1. Inviting colleagues :
    To invite others to be your colleagues and share collections with them, click on “Invite”. You can manually type in the email addresses or you can import your friends email addresses using the import function. For current CiteReady users, they will receive an invite email. They then have a choice of accepting or rejecting your invitation. For new users, they will receive an invite email and upon signing up will have a choice of accepting or rejecting your invitation to be your colleagues. To see your colleagues, click on the My Colleagues bar.

  2. Sharing with colleagues :
    To see your colleagues, click on the My Colleagues bar. You can also view items that your colleague has shared with you by double clicking on his or her name. You can view the share files by clicking the item(?). You can drag and drop these items into your collections. To share a folder, drag and drop your colleagues’ name into the target folder. By clicking on the checkbox, you can choose to share only the bibliography, abstract and related links, and the item file itself.