1. Locate bibliography :

You can create a new item by manual entry. Instead of manual entering the bibliographic data, you can use the locate bibliographic function. Enter a partial of the full title into the title box. Enter the name of any authors into the author box. Click on locate bibliography to retrieve the matching bibliographic data. Select the correct item from the results. The bibliographic data has now been automatically inserted. Click on save. The new item has now been successfully updated.





2. Upload files :

Uploading your collection of PDF and other files into CiteReady will allow you access from any computer with internet connection. Select upload files from the add menu, then you can select multiple files for upload into CiteReady. The bibliographic data has now been automatically inserted.


3. Import from clipboard :

Copy the desire references from your journal article to the clipboard. From the add menu, select import from the clipboard. To insert your references, right click and select paste. Check that your references have been proper split, if not, manually insert new lines. Click on import now, the references are now being retrieved from the database. The references have been successfully added to the folder.


4. Import from RIS :

Export the desire references from the software in a RIS file format. From the add menu, click on import from RIS. Select the correct RIS file to import into CiteReady. The references are being extractive from the file. The references have been successfully imported into the folder.