Web Importer is a one-click web importer that sits in your internet browser and imports bibliographic information from webpages into your CiteReady account.
Journal Article Importer :
Web Importer imports bibliographic data directly from publishers’ webpages (including databases like Scopus, Pubmed, ISI as well as the top 200 STM publishers covering over 50,000 journals). If free PDFs are available from these publishers, the PDFs will also be automatically imported into your CiteReady collection.
Patent Importer :
Found a patent on USPTO, Espacenet or Google Patents? Use Web Importer to import directly into your collections. We can also automatically import the PDF from Google Patents.
Webpage Snapshot Capture :
You can highlight text and images from the page to capture it as a web snippet or you can save a whole snapshot of the webpage to your collection.
Video Importer :
Use Web Importer on YouTube to embed videos directly into your CiteReady account.
Supported :
Browsers Firefox 3.6, Safari, IE7 and above.
Install Web Importer :
- Install Web Importer Bookmarklet :
To install Web Importer, if you are using :
Internet Explorer: Right-click the button and choose Add to Favourites.
Mozilla Firefox, Chrome and Safari: Drag the the “Web Importer” button to your bookmarks toolbar.
For Chrome users :
- In some version of Chrome, there is a bug that prevent you from dragging the Web Importer button into the bookmark bar. The temporary work around is to install Web Importer into the bookmark bar on Firefox then drag Web Importer from Firefox to the Chrome bookmark bar.
- Locate your Website :
You can go to the list of supported websites and import directly into your CiteReady. - Click Web Importer in your bookmarks :
Click Web Importer on the page you wish to import into CiteReady account. - Web Importer will automatically parse the bibliographic data from the webpage. For websites that are not listed under supported websites, you can highlight sections of webpages and save a copy of those webpages.
Web Importer Supported Websites :
- PubMed
- Google Scholar