1. Using folders :
Right click on any folder to show the folder menu. You can add, rename or delete folder. CiteReady also allow you to highlight important folder easliy. To change the icon for this folder, click on the color icon you want.
2. Selecting items :
To select a single item, click on it. To select multiple items, hold the CTRL bottom and click on the item. To select a block of continuous items, hold SHIFT and click on the last item. To unselect, double click on any item. The previously selected items are now unselected. To delete an item, right click and select “Delete”.
3. Simple search :
Type your search terms within the pubmed search bar. Hit enter and CiteReady will show search results from the pubmed database. Select the items you wish to import into your collection, and drag and drop these items into a target folder.
4. Advanced search :
For advanced search, click on “advanced”. You can perform you search query using a combination of these search fields. Selecting a search field will show simple examples of the search rules. After getting your results, you can close the advanced search menu by using “Hide”. Select the items you wish import into your collection, and drag and drop these items to you target folder.
5. View, sort and find :
The view feature allow you to view your folder in different format. The sort feature let you list your items according to author, title and so on. Use the find items search to filter through your current folder you find specific items. You can also filter through your entire collection by clicking on the entire collection’s checkbox.