Quick Start

Citation Tool 4.0 is a plugin for Microsoft Word 2007 and 2010 to insert bibliography directly from your CiteReady account into your Word document. To use the plug-in, an CiteReady account and internet access is required.   After installation, the Citation Tool plug-in should appear in the home tab of Microsoft Word. You can dock…

Web Importer

1. From supported databases : Web Importer allow you to import bibliographic data directly from web pages into your CiteReady account. First go to any of supported websites. Type your search terms within the search bar in the supported website. After performing the search, click on the Web Importer to collect bibliographic data from your…

Features Summary

1. Summary Feature can be used to gather quick statistics about a particular folder. For a given folder, you can quickly find most prolific authors; most used publications and databases and so on.   2. When you click on a category, for example “Author”, you can view the names of all the authors along with…

Locate PDF

1. Click on “Setting”, then choose your university library to enable direct linkage when locating PDFs.   2. The Locate PDF function only works with two link resolvers namely SFX and SerialSolution (360). 3. If your library does not appear in the above list, please send your request to randy@citeready.com.

Add Menu

1. Locate bibliography : You can create a new item by manual entry. Instead of manual entering the bibliographic data, you can use the locate bibliographic function. Enter a partial of the full title into the title box. Enter the name of any authors into the author box. Click on locate bibliography to retrieve the…


1. Set a default flag : Right click on any flag to show the flag menu. To set the color of the flag you wish as a default flag, left click on the checkbox next to the flag. Then clicking on the other items will color flag them. 2. Set a non-default flag : To select…


1. Using folders : Right click on any folder to show the folder menu. You can add, rename or delete folder. CiteReady also allow you to highlight important folder easliy. To change the icon for this folder, click on the color icon you want.     2. Selecting items : To select a single item, click…

Quick Start

1. Below is CiteReady’s user interface. There are three panels, folder panel, item list panel and bibliographic panel. Besides journal references, you can also collect books, patents, videos, and website and books.   2. Most of the features in CiteReady can be accessed from the tool bar, or by right click.   3. You can…